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Student Membership Application


All persons interested in Entomology are encouraged to support our Society by joining. Advantages of membership are:

  • Affiliation with colleagues who share your interests. 
  • Subscription to the Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society (JKES). 
  • Eligibility to submit manuscripts for publication in the Journal.
  • Opportunity to attend and present papers at the annual meeting of the Society.

Annual dues run on a calendar year basis, Jan 1 - Dec 31

Annual dues for membership in the Society include a single subscription to the journal, JKES. A subscription includes early notice on new issues as well as online access to back issues from 1928 to present.

Existing members who pay for additional years of membership before the annual renewal window (December) will have their memberships extended.

*Verification of current enrollment will need to be submitted for student memberships. 

Select An Option

Student Member: 1 Year

Student Member: 2 Year

Student Member: 3 Year

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Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist
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